htlogopurple a67e9b 180w10 Thomas Street,
Hampton VIC 3188

03 9598 1707


Memorial garden Photo 25 9 19 3 00 58 pm 302 x 403Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Baptisms, weddings and funerals are can be some of the most significant celebrations in a person's life, and our church at Holy Trinity Hampton has a long tradition of providing the care and support needed at these times.

Visit the links below for information on each of these special events.


Easter day service 2021
Sundays - 9.30am
Holy Communion

with our Vicar Rev Dr Sharne Rolfe

Sundays - 9.30am HT Kids
(commencing mid March)
Tuesdays - 4pm
Christian Meditation 
Thursdays - 9.30am playgroup

HTH Periwinkles Playgroup poster FA

Coming Up:

For our first 'Food for our Souls' event for the year, we have been invited to join in a Sabbath service and Shabat meal with Central Schule, Caulfield South on Friday, 28 February. What a wonderful way to build bridges of understanding and friendship as we all work for social cohesion in our diverse Australian community.

Click here for more details.

Contact us today! Contact Us

Our Location

where are we located

Holy Trinity Hampton

10 Thomas Street, Hampton, Victoria 3188
Phone: (03) 9598 1707